
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Holy Love! We got in!!!

Ladies! We got into this show! You can find a link over to the side if you want more information! Plus, if any of you are interested, the coordinators have told me that I will have 30 free tickets! If you honestly think you'll be able to make it, I would LOVE to give you a ticket, seeing as I don't personally know as many people in Seattle.

If you are interested in getting a free ticket, please email me at seamstress@damseldress.com, and I send you a ticket and maybe a little stack of business cards and goodies.


  1. Congrats! If only I was located in the US... Curses.

  2. YIPPE...CONGRATS alllll the way!

  3. Yay!!! 2 trips to Seattle. Tori and I would love tickets. And I would love to take you out to dinner while you are here. Or maybe dinner at my house.


  4. I met you here and I have to say that it was truly a pleasure! I love my new corset especially since I was scared to try one on since I'm a chunky girl and I didnt know how I would look. I felt amazing and already planning on ordering at least two more in the next coming week or so....why do paydays take soooo long?!?!?!?!
    Thank you again and I hope to see you next year!
