I didn't see anyway to get a hold of you on your web page. I was wondering if you have new material or if what is posted on your website is your current supply? I'm scouting out a new corset for the Colorado Ren Faire. Daphne and Merlot from Whirly Jig recommended you!
Whyfore you arrrrg deal lady? :P
ReplyDeleteJust saw Generations of Art (Lisa's booth) at Ojai. Yeah, they definitely look just like yours.
ReplyDeleteI didn't see anyway to get a hold of you on your web page. I was wondering if you have new material or if what is posted on your website is your current supply? I'm scouting out a new corset for the Colorado Ren Faire. Daphne and Merlot from Whirly Jig recommended you!
ReplyDeleteDo not be angry, you are a genious.