
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

me on video


All right, there I am! I'm at the last half of this interview. Please understand that I'm not really this mouthy and egotistical in real life. OH, and I swear my chin is not that big in real life! I know I look like Jay Leno...but it must be the camera angle. Bleh.


  1. You are ridiculously hot in your bodice, lady!

    One of these years, I'm going to have to get out to one of the faires you do, because your little boutique-y building full of pretties is giving me major bodice shopping cravings...

  2. You are famous on the internet. Ooohh...
    Now you just need to be *rich* and fameous!

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing you in Folsom! I'm a new internet admirer, yes I would say you are famous on the internet. :) -Annette from FourTwinSisters.com

  4. My gosh, you have a gorgeous figure! And you didn't come off as mouthy at all. You were the only one with humor who was not scared of the camera.
