
Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Corsair Collar: The Triumphs and Downfalls

I'm trying to figure out the dang collar on this bodice. I need the help of women with a keen eye for fashion (which would obviously be all of my customers). Here's the deal, I have this two-piece Pirate Bodice set, and I'm having issues with the collar. Originally, I had this lapel-style collar anchored in the middle of the bust, but I felt like it was...
too much cleavage coverage? So, I widened it out, to open up more neckline, but I can't decide which one is better. Be honest with me, even if you're critisizing me.....I can...hopefully...take it! The picture with the reddish hot pink striped bodice on top of the black waist corset displays my new collar. The black and red rose bodice is my old collar. Now, the other thing that happened with the old version is the collar didn't stay splayed out to the sides, the lapels kept creeping in toward the middle front, so th
ey wouldn't look as wide out to the shoulders. It was like there was a set of lapels in the middle of your chest. Man, designing and revising patterns takes forever!!! All the same, at least I actually care about my customers and the fit of their bodices. Most patterns take months to create. Keep that in mind!!!


  1. The revised version is better.

  2. Hey Sweetie I have to say as a costume piece I like the low set collar better... but I understand the desire and sometimes need at Ren faires to not cover to much cleavage.

    So if I had to pick one or the other I would pick the low set collar but I would probably try something in between.

  3. I like both of them. The lower cut, however is very flattering to the waist on the revised design. I think that the thinner sides will also make broad women look a bit less broad than the original.

    All that said, the original is very supportive and there are some out there who want/need that. I think a great compromise would be to use the lower cut on the empire bodice but keep the original as a special purchase item. Most who would choose the more bold design of the empire would prefer the lower cut just as a matter of principle.

    Have you considered a rounded collar for this design? Something a tad on the Elizabethan side? Love you! Enjoy your summer if you can.

  4. I like the new collar better, the line the bust creates looks much more elegant and *flouncier* (which is always my secret goal). Hmmm rounded lapels, that could be a nice offset to the new line of the bodice.

  5. I gotta say I like the revision better myself too

  6. OK, you had to do it. You removed the only objection I had to buying one of these.
    As Snazzykat said, the lower cut would emphasize the bust and minimize the waist very effectively. Sort of like an Elizabethan Bum Roll in reverse LOL.
    I'd like to see the revised version on a real person though. In the meantime I'll be saving my pennies....

  7. I like the fuller collar. The revision is so much daintier, I'm afraid it would look odd on larger chests. I would be thinking, "It's going to blow, Captain!" the whole time. Of course, many people like that. What a dilemma!

  8. honestly chelle, i really like the pink striped one with the black bottom. it looks great!

  9. I know I am late visiting here. For some reason when I came here it always opened to March and I wondered when you were going to post again then I realized I was the tard not your posting. hee hee. I like the softness of your revision. It is more femenine. I like the old one too because it looks more forceful and you know I am all about domince. Hee hee!

  10. you know, i prefer the older revision. i love collars! my good friend says that i'm very blessed *ahem* but i love how collars look about my neck. something to point out though: i think the new revision would sell more than the old revision. and i don't know if it's an old revision too. the new collar and shape is like an evolution--sorta like the lovely creation of your "ruffly ruffly".

  11. I honestly like the old one better. I love the way the collar lays on it. And it would show plenty once the skin is there to fill it out. :)

  12. I prefer the original design. It has a stronger look to it which will make the wearer look all the more feminine. I also love the way the collar lays out to the side.

  13. I like the old style collar better. With the wide rounded bust line the new lapels look like more of an after thought in my opinion. If I had to choose I'd definetly choose the old style. However I think it could work if you met in the middle so to speak and tried a slightly longer lapel so you get a rounded look in front and still a little angel to the lapels. Also a stich or to could tack down a lapel to keep anything from creeping if absolutley nessicary.
